Driver application Form Driver ApplicationTO BE READ AND SIGNED BY APPLICANTI authorize you to make such investigations and inquiries of my personal, employment, financial or medical history and other related matters as may be necessary in arriving at an employment decision. (Generally, inquiries regarding medical history will be made only if and after a conditional offer of employment has been extended.) I hereby release employers, schools, health care providers and other persons from all liability in responding to inquiries and releasing information in connection with my application. In the event of employment, I understand that false or misleading information given in my application or interview(s) may result in discharge. I understand, also, that I am required to abide by all rules and regulations of the Company. “I understand that information I provide regarding current and/or previous employers may be used, and those employer(s) will be contacted, for the purpose of investigating my safety performance history as required by 49 CFR 391.23(d) and (e). I understand that I have the right to: Review information provided by current/previous employers; Have errors in the information corrected by previous employers and for those previous employers to re-send the corrected information to the prospective employer; and Have a rebuttal statement attached to the alleged erroneous information, if the previous employer(s) and I cannot agree on the accuracy of the information. Signature Sign Here DateLast NameFirst NameMiddleSocial Security NumberPhone NumberDate of BirthHire DatePAST 3 YEAR RESIDENCYAddressCityStateZipNumber of YearsAddressCityStateZipNumber of YearsAddressCityStateZipNumber of YearsEMPLOYMENT HISTORY(Use additional employment history information section at the bottom of the application if necessary) All applicants wishing to drive in interstate commerce must provide the following information on all employers during the preceding three years. You must give the same information for all employers for whom you have driven a commercial vehicle seven years prior to the initial three years (total of ten year employment record). You are required to list the complete mailing address: street number and name, city, state and zip code.CURRENT OR LAST EMPLOYERNamePhone NumberStreet AddressCityStateZipPosition HeldFromToReason for LeavingWere you subject to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations** while employed? Yes NoWas your job designated as a safety-sensitive function in any DOT-regulated mode subject to the drug and alcohol testing requirements of 49 CFR Part 40? Yes No*ACCOUNT FOR PERIOD BETWEEN JOBS - Include dates (month/year) and reasonSECOND LAST EMPLOYERNamePhone NumberStreet AddressCityStateZipPosition HeldFromToReason for LeavingWere you subject to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations** while employed? Yes NoWas your job designated as a safety-sensitive function in any DOT-regulated mode subject to the drug and alcohol testing requirements of 49 CFR Part 40? Yes No*ACCOUNT FOR PERIOD BETWEEN JOBS - Include dates (month/year) and reasonTHIRD LAST EMPLOYERNamePhone NumberStreet AddressCityStateZipPosition HeldFromToReason for LeavingWere you subject to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations** while employed? Yes NoWas your job designated as a safety-sensitive function in any DOT-regulated mode subject to the drug and alcohol testing requirements of 49 CFR Part 40? Yes No*ACCOUNT FOR PERIOD BETWEEN JOBS - Include dates (month/year) and reasonEXPERIENCE AND QUALIFICATIONDRIVING EXPERIENCEIf no driving experience within the last 3 years, check the box below. Check HereFill out all that applyStraight Truck Yes NoType of EquipmentSelect all that applyVanReeferTankFlatFrom DateTo DateORApproximate MilesTractor & Semi-Trailer Yes NoType of EquipmentSelect all that applyVanReeferTankFlatFrom DateTo DateORApproximate MilesTractor - Two Trailers Yes NoType of EquipmentSelect all that applyVanReeferTankFlatFrom DateTo DateORApproximate MilesTractor - Three Trailers Yes NoType of EquipmentSelect all that applyVanReeferTankFlatFrom DateTo DateORApproximate MilesMotorcoach - School Bus (Greater than 8 passengers) Yes NoType of EquipmentSelect all that applyVanReeferTankFlatFrom DateTo DateORApproximate MilesMotorcoach - School Bus (Greater than 15 passengers) Yes NoType of EquipmentSelect all that applyVanReeferTankFlatFrom DateTo DateORApproximate MilesACCIDENT HISTORY (3 YEARS)If no accidents within the last 3 years, check the box below. Check HereACCIDENT 1Date Nature of AccidentNumber of FatalitiesNumber of InjuriesHazardous Material Spill? Yes NoACCIDENT 2Date Nature of AccidentNumber of FatalitiesNumber of InjuriesHazardous Material Spill? Yes NoACCIDENT 3Date Nature of AccidentNumber of FatalitiesNumber of InjuriesHazardous Material Spill? Yes NoTRAFFIC CONVICTIONS AND FORFEITURES (3 YEARS)If no traffic convictions and/or forfeitures in the last 3 years, check the box below. Check HereTRAFFIC CONVICTIONS AND FORFEITURES 1Date ConvictedViolationState of ViolationPenaltyTRAFFIC CONVICTIONS AND FORFEITURES 2Date ConvictedViolationState of ViolationPenaltyTRAFFIC CONVICTIONS AND FORFEITURES 3Date ConvictedViolationState of ViolationPenaltyLICENSE INFORMATIONSection 383.21 FMCSR states “No person who operates a commercial motor vehicle shall at any time have more than one driver’s license”. I certify that I do not have more than one motor vehicle license, the information for which is listed below.StateLicense NumberExpiration DateA. Have you ever been denied a license, permit, or privilege to operate a motor vehicle? Yes NoIf yes, give detailsB. Has any license, permit, or privilege ever been suspended or revoked? Yes NoIf yes, give detailsAPPLICANT CERTIFICATIONThis certifies that this application was completed by me, and that all entries on it and information in it are true and complete to the best of my knowledge.Signature Sign Here DateADDITIONAL EMPLOYMENT (IF REQUIRED)This section if for additional employment history information. (Note: List employers in reverse order starting with the most recent)All driver applicants to drive in interstate commerce must provide the following information on all employers during the preceding 3 years. List complete mailing address, street number, city, state, and zip code. Applicants to drive a commercial motor vehicle* in intrastate commerce shall also provide an additional 7 years’ information on those employers for whom the applicant operated such vehicle. List employers in reverse order starting with the most recent.ADDITIONAL EMPLOYER 1NameAddressCityStateZipFrom DateTo DatePosition HeldSalary/WageReason for LeavingContact PersonPhone NumberWere you subject to the FMCRs while employed? Yes NoWas your job designated as a safety-sensitive function in any DOT-regulated mode subject to the drug and alcohol testing requirements of 49 CFR Part 40? Yes NoADDITIONAL EMPLOYER 2NameAddressCityStateZipFrom DateTo DatePosition HeldSalary/WageReason for LeavingContact PersonPhone NumberWere you subject to the FMCRs while employed? Yes NoWas your job designated as a safety-sensitive function in any DOT-regulated mode subject to the drug and alcohol testing requirements of 49 CFR Part 40? Yes NoADDITIONAL EMPLOYER 3NameAddressCityStateZipFrom DateTo DatePosition HeldSalary/WageReason for LeavingContact PersonPhone NumberWere you subject to the FMCRs while employed? Yes NoWas your job designated as a safety-sensitive function in any DOT-regulated mode subject to the drug and alcohol testing requirements of 49 CFR Part 40? Yes NoADDITIONAL EMPLOYER 4NameAddressCityStateZipFrom DateTo DatePosition HeldSalary/WageReason for LeavingContact PersonPhone NumberWere you subject to the FMCRs while employed? Yes NoWas your job designated as a safety-sensitive function in any DOT-regulated mode subject to the drug and alcohol testing requirements of 49 CFR Part 40? Yes NoADDITIONAL EMPLOYER 5NameAddressCityStateZipFrom DateTo DatePosition HeldSalary/WageReason for LeavingContact PersonPhone NumberWere you subject to the FMCRs while employed? Yes NoWas your job designated as a safety-sensitive function in any DOT-regulated mode subject to the drug and alcohol testing requirements of 49 CFR Part 40? Yes NoSubmit Form