Job application Form Job ApplicationLast NameFirst NameM.I.DateAddressStateZipPhoneEmail AddressDate AvailableSocial Security No.Desired SalaryPosition Applied ForAre you a citizen of the United States? Yes NoIf no, are you authorized to work in the U.S.? Yes NoHave you ever worked for this company? Yes NoIf so, when?Have you ever been convicted of a felony? Yes NoIf yes, explainEDUCATIONHigh SchoolAddressFromToDid you graduate? Yes NoDegreeCollegeAddressFromToDid you graduate? Yes NoDegreeOther/TechnicalAddressFromToDid you graduate? Yes NoDegreeREFERENCESREFERENCE 1Full NameRelationshipCompanyPhoneAddressREFERENCE 2Full NameRelationshipCompanyPhoneAddressMILITARY SERVICEBranchFromToRank at DischargeType of DischargeIf other than honorable, explainPREVIOUS EMPLOYMENTCOMPANY 1NameFrom (Mo/Yr)To (Mo/Yr)AddressJob TitleSupervisorPhone NumberSalary/WageReason for LeavingMay we contact your previous supervisor for a reference? Yes NoResponsibilitesCOMPANY 2NameFrom (Mo/Yr)To (Mo/Yr)AddressJob TitleSupervisorPhone NumberSalary/WageReason for LeavingMay we contact your previous supervisor for a reference? Yes NoResponsibilitesCOMPANY 3NameFrom (Mo/Yr)To (Mo/Yr)AddressJob TitleSupervisorPhone NumberSalary/WageReason for LeavingMay we contact your previous supervisor for a reference? Yes NoResponsibilitesCOMPANY 4NameFrom (Mo/Yr)To (Mo/Yr)AddressJob TitleSupervisorPhone NumberSalary/WageReason for LeavingMay we contact your previous supervisor for a reference? Yes NoResponsibilitesDISCLAIMER AND SIGNATUREI certify that my answers are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I comnsent to a credit card and/or background check if Vern Lewis welding Supply deems it necessary. If this application leads too employment, I understand that false or misleading information in my application or interview may result in my release.Signature Sign Here DateSubmit Form