Gas and Propane

Industrial Fill Plant
We provide major industrial, medical, and specialty gases in a wide range of purity and sizes for all of your welding needs. At our fill plant, we fill and mix our own gases and provide micro bulk, small bulk, and piping systems. Click here to learn about our cylinder delivery options.
Take a look at the full list of what we have to offer here. Click on the name for the current SDS sheet.
You can bring your own propane tank for us to fill up at our Avondale, Phoenix, Mesa, and Wickenburg locations. Our propane prices are the same at every location minus Wickenburg. Click here to view our locations.

Hydro Testing and Requalifications
Our newly added hydro test facility is located inside our fill plant. You can drop off your cylinders at any of our locations to get them hydro tested and we’ll either exchange your tank or return your cylinder if you wish to keep it. We also do propane requalifications at our Avondale store and acetylene requalifications at our Phoenix store. Drop yours off at any of our locations and we’ll get it taken care of then send it back to you. Click here to view our locations.