Our Mesa store is conveniently located near the 202 and Main St. This store features a wide range of welding supplies and offers local delivery. We carry products from leading welding brands including Miller, Lincoln Electric, Fronius, Metabo, and many more!
One unique fact about our Mesa location is a lot of the customers rebuild old cars. It’s often times like a classic car show here at the store!
If you are looking for welding supplies in the Mesa area stop by and visit Vern Lewis. Our team of welding experts are ready to answer any questions you have and help you find the right welding equipment for your next project!
Most Common Customers
The most common walk in customers are retired home hobbyists and snow birds.
Most Common Items Sold
It’s common for this location to sell 30 Mix-60s in two days.
Store Information
Phone: (480) 354-1197
Fax: (480) 354-4289
Monday – Friday
7:30 AM – 5:00 PM
8:00 AM – 12:00 PM
8231 E Apache Trail
Mesa, AZ 85207