An Overview of Welding With Titanium

Titanium is Earth’s ninth most abundant element. Small amounts are found in almost every kind of rock there is. The element is used in many products people use every day, including things like mobile phones, scissors, and bicycle frames. It is also used in surgical instruments, metal implants used to help repair bone injuries, tennis…

Successfully Welding Cast Iron Requires Experience, Skill and Knowledge

The seemingly fragile nature of cast iron often makes people wonder whether it can be welded effectively. Its near-steel hardness lends confidence to the notion it can be mended and joined. But the fact that cast iron often fails to handle hard impacts gives welders pause. If you are considering welding cast iron, the following…

4 Facts About Welding in the Construction Industry

Welding plays an important role in our society and it’s uses span across many different industries. It’s easy to overlook what an integral role has in our everyday lives! A vast array of structures, such as bridges and large buildings, have utilized welding in construction to accomplish spectacular feats of durability and craftsmanship. Let’s take…

Is MIG Welding Safe and Effective for Pros and Hobbyists?

As technology continues to evolve, metal inert gas (MIG) welding ranks as an industry-standard method. Because it leverages agile equipment and materials, MIG welding remains a darling among professionals and hobbyists alike. By that same token, MIG welding flexibility sometimes makes users feel more comfortable than safety dictates. If you are interested in adding a…